What is the Cost to Form an LLC?
The cost to form an LLC ranges $40 to $500 depending on the state of formation. In the chart below, we have outlined the initial LLC filing fee for each state along with the annual fees (if any).
State LLC | LLC Filing Fee | LLC Annual Fee | Due | Payable To & Form Name |
Alabama LLC | US$200 | $50 minimum | 2.5 months after formation and annually by April 15 | AL Department of Revenue, Initial Business Privilege Tax Return |
Alaska LLC | US$250 | US$100 | Biennial, January 2 | AK Department of CCED, Biennial Report |
Arizona LLC | US$50 | US$0 | No annual fee + no report due | N/A, N/A |
Arkansas LLC | US$45 | US$150 | Annual, May 1 | AR Secretary of State, Franchise Tax Report |
California LLC | US$70 | $800 + $20 | Various | CA Franchise Tax Board, Annual LLC Franchise Tax + Stmt. of Information |
Colorado LLC | US$50 | US$10 | 5 month window surrounding anniversary month | CO Secretary of State, Periodic Report |
Connecticut LLC | US$120 | US$80 | Annual, March 31 | CT Secretary of State, Annual Report |
Delaware LLC | US$90 | US$300 | Annual, June 1 | DE Dept. of State, Annual Franchise Tax |
Florida LLC | US$125 | US$138.75 | Annual, May 1 | FL Department of State, Annual Report |
Georgia LLC | US$100 | US$50 | Annual, April 1 | GA Secretary of State, Annual Registration Fee |
Hawaii LLC | US$50 | US$15 | During quarter of anniversary date | HI Business Registration Division, Annual Report |
Idaho LLC | US$100 | $0 | Annual, anniversary month | 1. ID Secretary of State, Annual Report 2. Must file an information report, no fee though |
Illinois LLC | US$150 | US$75 | Annual, anniversary month | IL Secretary of State, Annual Report |
Indiana LLC | US$95 | US$30 | Biennial, anniversary month | IN Secretary of State, Business Entity Report |
Iowa LLC | US$50 | US$30 | Biennial, April 1 of odd years | IA Secretary of State, Biennial Report |
Kansas LLC | US$160 | US$50 | Annual, April 15 | KS Secretary of State, Annual Report |
Kentucky LLC | US$40 | US$15 | Annual, June 30 | KY Secretary of State, Annual Report |
Louisiana LLC | US$100 | US$35 | Annual, anniversary month | LA Secretary of State, Annual Report |
Maine LLC | US$175 | US$85 | Annual, June 1 | ME Secretary of State, Annual Report |
Maryland LLC | US$100 | US$300 | Annual, April 15 | MD State Dept. of Assessments, Personal Property Tax |
Massachusetts LLC | US$500 | US$500 | Annual, anniversary month | MA Secretary of the Commonwealth, Annual Report |
Michigan LLC | US$50 | US$25 | Annual, February 15 | MI Dept. of LARA, Annual Report |
Minnesota LLC | US$155 | $0 | Annual, December 31 | 1. MN Secretary of State, Annual Report 2. Must file an information report, no fee though |
Mississippi LLC | US$50 | $0 | Annual, April 15 | 1. MS Secretary of State, Annual Report 2. Must file an information report, no fee though |
Missouri LLC | US$50 | US$0 | No annual fee + no report due | N/A, N/A |
Montana LLC | US$35 | US$20 | Annual, April 15 | MT Secretary of State, Annual Report |
Nebraska LLC | US$100 | US$13 | Biennial, April 1 of odd years | NE Secretary of State, Biennial Report |
Nevada LLC | US$425 | US$350 | Annually, anniversary month | NV Secretary of State, Annual List of Members + Business License |
New Hampshire LLC | US$100 | US$100 | Annual, April 1 | NH Secretary of State, Annual Report |
New Jersey LLC | US$125 | US$75 | Annual, anniversary month | NJ Department of Treasury, Annual Report |
New Mexico LLC | US$50 | US$0 | No annual fee + no report due | N/A, N/A |
New York LLC | US$200 | US$9 | Biennial, anniversary month | NY Department of State, Biennial Statement |
North Carolina LLC | US$125 | US$200 | Annual, April 15 | NC Secretary of State, Annual Report |
North Dakota LLC | US$135 | US$50 | Annual, November 15 | ND Secretary of State, Annual Report |
Ohio LLC | US$99 | US$0 | No annual fee + no report due | N/A, N/A |
Oklahoma LLC | US$100 | US$25 | Annual, anniversary month | OK Secretary of State, Annual Certificate |
Oregon LLC | US$100 | US$100 | Annual, anniversary month | OR Secretary of State, Annual Report |
Pennsylvania LLC | US$125 | US$7 | Annual, September 30 (starting in 2025) | PA Department of State, Annual Report |
Rhode Island LLC | US$150 | US$50 | Annual, February 1 - May 1 | RI Secretary of State, Annual Report |
South Carolina LLC | US$110 | US$0 | No report due unless LLC files taxes as an S-Corp | N/A, N/A |
South Dakota LLC | US$150 | US$50 | Annual, anniversary month | SD Secretary of State, Annual Report |
Tennessee LLC | US$300 | $300 minimum | Annual, April 1 | TN Secretary of State, Annual Report |
Texas LLC | US$300 | $0 | Annual, May 15 | TX Comptroller, Public Information Report + Franchise Tax |
Utah LLC | US$59 | US$18 | Annual, anniversary month | UT Department of Commerce, Annual Report |
Vermont LLC | US$125 | US$35 | Annual, March 15 | VT Secretary of State, Annual Report |
Virginia LLC | US$100 | US$50 | Annual, anniversary month | VA Corporation Commission, Annual Registration Fee |
Washington LLC | US$200 | US$60 | Annual, anniversary month | WA Secretary of State, Annual Report |
Washington DC LLC | US$99 | US$300 | Biennial, April 1 | DCRA, Biennial Report |
West Virginia LLC | US$100 | US$25 | Annual, July 1 | WV Secretary of State, Annual Report |
Wisconsin LLC | US$130 | US$25 | Annual, anniversary quarter | WI Secretary of State, Annual Report |
Wyoming LLC | US$100 | $60 minimum | Annual, anniversary month | WY Secretary of State, Annual Report |